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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Why Salad is essential for good health? | Health Tips 2023

As far as the consumption of raw and cooked vegetables is concerned, they have been consumed in Pakistan for centuries. 

Fifty years ago, people used to eat raw carrots and radishes. Soybeans, coriander, and mint are added to the curry after cooking. Some people crush the onion and eat bread from it. Some eat melons in the melon season and eat mango bread in the mango season. The custom of sour lemon is also very old. 

A common use has been for some people to add a few drops of lemon to curry and eat it. But the concept of salad is new. After World War II, except for research on vitamins and mineral salts, almost all foods in the world have chemically, which has revolutionized the science of nutrition. 

The most important thing in nutrition is the concept of a balanced diet. Most people in the West eat in hotels from breakfast to dinner. Food is prepared only in villages and large households, so when nutritional information became common, hotels started serving different types of salads to increase their popularity.

Despite education in Pakistan, salad has not become part of our food culture, it is true that not all people have access to information about food and nutrition.

Due to heart disease in cities, the consumption of ghee, fats, and saturated vegetable ghee has decreased and soybean, sunflower, and canola oils have started to be produced, but ordinary people do not know the benefits of vitamins and mineral salts others yes. 

I don't know what foods they are in. Sweets are still made in abundance. Fat and saturated ghee is added to weddings and other ceremonial meals, as cooks say that food containing Delight is produced from fats, pure ghee, and banaspati ghee. A balanced diet usually consists of proteins, starches (carbohydrates), fats, vitamins, and mineral salts. 

Proteins are supplemented with milk, yogurt, and meat. Flour and legumes also contain some protein. Starchy wheat flour, rice, and potatoes, etc. For the fat, a small amount of milk, curd, and more oil is now used. The sources of vitamins and mineral salts are fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C (Vitamin C) is a very important vitamin, which is lost during cooking. Most of the vegetables it contains are eaten raw.

Salad benefits

·         Since raw vegetables contain adequate amounts of vitamins and mineral salts, they are more beneficial.

·         Vegetables do not gain weight.

·         A plate of salad on the table adds to the enjoyment of the meal.

·         The lack of nutrition left in cooked food is filled by salad and balance is established.

·         Fiber is obtained from raw vegetables.

 Four types of vegetables for salad

The most important thing about a balanced diet is that it should include green leafy vegetables and should be included on a daily basis. Leafy green vegetables contain most, if not all, of the vitamin B complex.

This category includes the following vegetables:

·         The first type includes spinach, young mustard bulbs, young turnip and beet greens, lettuce leaves, and cabbage.

·         The second type is spicy green vegetables. This group includes green fennel (when available), soybeans, cilantro, mint, green chilies, bell pepper, onion, and garlic (if you don't have green garlic, remove a few cloves from the garlic pod). ) (must be kept).

·         The third type consists of lemon, if not available grapefruit can also be added.

·         The fourth type consists of common vegetables such as cauliflower, beets, turnips, potatoes, and arvi, boiled and eaten. Tomatoes, cucumbers, cucumbers, carrots, and peas can be washed and chopped, and eaten.

Benefits of Leafy Salad Greens

Leafy green vegetables are nutrient-rich because leaves contain the light-catching, energy-converting machinery of plants. Salad greens contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium, folate, fiber, and phytonutrients. Leafy vegetables are a good choice for a healthful diet because they do not contain cholesterol and are naturally low in calories and sodium. Many of the health benefits that leafy greens provide come from phytonutrients, unique compounds that provide protection for plants. These compounds are becoming recognized as part of a nutritious diet that promotes long-term health. Phytonutrients can act as antioxidants, which help to prevent chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Benefits of certain vegetables

1.      Potatoes: Just as eggs are nutritious, potatoes are also nutritious vegetables. It is also called "poor man's egg".

2.      Cabbage (Karamkala): In addition to nutrients and salts, its juice is useful in healing stomach ulcers.

3.      Spinach: Contains vitamin A (Vitamin A) in significant quantity.

4.      Peppermint: Useful for stomach ailments, and breaks the wind.

5.      Onion: Opens blood vessels and Kills germs.

6.      Tomato: The position that apples have among fruits, tomatoes have among vegetables. It also contains vitamin C. Tomato cures anemia.

7.      Beets: According to the latest research, eating about 2 pounds of raw beets a day reduces the risk of cancer.

8.      Cilantro: Gives fragrance to salads, strengthens the stomach, and prevents evaporation.

9.      Fennel: Useful for sight.

10.  Soy: It is an excellent medicine to relieve asthma.

11.  Cucumber: Useful to relieve urinary irritation and normalize high blood pressure.

12.  Carrot: A great source of beta-carotene. Carrot prevents cancer and is beneficial for the view.

13.  Garlic: Reduces blood pressure.

14.  Green chilies: Vitamin C is found in it.

Why salads are good for you

Eating just one salad a day provides even greater health benefits than previously thought, according to a study that examined the salad consumption of more than 17,000 adults.  The study, conducted by the UCLA School of Public Health, and published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association (JADA),* found that those who eat salads and raw vegetables with salad dressing have considerably higher levels of vitamins C, E, and folic acid— all key nutrients in promoting a healthy immune system. The findings of this study are consistent with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans that recommend increasing vegetable and fruit intake and eating a variety of vegetables, especially dark-green and red and orange vegetables and beans and peas.  Salads are a great way to meet your daily recommendation for fruits and vegetables.

According to the study:

·         Eating a salad a day is directly correlated with higher nutrient levels.

·         Adding salad dressing to a salad increases the absorption of certain nutrients being consumed.

·         The fat in salad dressing helps absorb key nutrients such as lycopene and alpha- and beta-carotene.

·         People who eat salads, salad dressing, and raw vegetables are more likely to meet recommended intakes for vitamins C, E, and folic acid.

·         High fruit and vegetable consumption has also been associated with lower rates of pre-menopausal bone loss in women.

·         Consumption of as little as one serving of salad or raw vegetables per day is significantly associated with the likelihood of meeting the recommended nutrient intakes of each of vitamins A, E, B6, and folic acid.



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